Interactive E-Learning Portfolio: Articulate Storyline & Rise Examples

 Dive into our comprehensive portfolio showcasing cutting-edge Interactive Articulate Storyline and Rise projects.
Our collection highlights diverse, engaging, and highly effective training solutions tailored for a variety of industries.

F5 Inc

Articulate Storyline 360

Interactivity: Level 2

Type of training: Leadership and Development

F5, Inc. is an American technology company specializing in various areas related to the smooth operation and security of online applications and networks.

This Storyline 360 training was designed with Level 2 interactivity. It focused on Leadership Training, aiming for a straightforward approach to accommodate the limited time of their managers.

The training integrated video and live-action elements, featuring actors as Subject Matter Experts who align with F5’s leadership brand and training goals. This blend of simplicity and engagement ensures effective learning without overwhelming busy managers.

FreighTrax Training

Articulate Rise 360

Interactivity: Level 2

Type of training: Driver Safety

FreighTrax Training offers comprehensive online courses for truck drivers, specializing in specific areas like frac sand hauling and port drayage. The course provides practical, industry-focused training designed to enhance the safety and operational readiness of truck drivers.

FreighTrax collaborates with educational institutions like the University of Central Oklahoma to keep their training updated and relevant. 

We proposed a Rise module with a Level 2 of interactivity that leverages actor-lead video assets to create an engaging and intuitive learning experience. Additionally, these courses were produced in Spanish to cater to a wider audience.

Certified Lease &
Finance Professional

Articulate Storyline 360

Interactivity: Level 1

Type of training: Finance Training

A Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) specializes in the area of equipment leasing and financing.

They are financial specialists who bridge the gap between businesses needing equipment and lenders providing financing. Their expertise helps businesses acquire the necessary equipment while managing financial risks.

We collaborated with CLFP to develop Level 1 interactive SCORM modules that are highly stylized and aligned with their brand.

Our focus was on simplicity and design, ensuring a clean and engaging user experience. Additionally, we incorporated video animations to enhance the learning process.

Oceania Cruises

Articulate Storyline 360 

Interactivity: Level 3

Type of training: Customer Training

Oceania Cruises is a cruise line that operates six upscale ships that cater to a mature audience with a country club-like atmosphere. 

Oceania Cruises identified a unique opportunity to engage its guests further by introducing a Consumer-Facing Digital Enrichment Program and Dedicated Onboard Experience. This initiative was designed to cater to the interests of its predominantly 65+, wealthy, and highly educated demographic.

The program’s goal was not only to provide formal classes taught by a Digital Concierge, but also to enable guests to learn independently with a level 3 of interactivity through dedicated tablets loaded with class materials, videos, and interactive features.

The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association

Articulate Storyline 360

Interactivity: Level 2

Type of training: Medical Training

The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) is the national professional organization representing the specialty of palliative nursing.

They work to improve the care of people with serious illnesses by supporting nurses who specialize in hospice and palliative care. We developed Rise courses with Level 2 activities for HPNA, featuring a highly stylized interface, infographic motion graphics, live-action videos, and embedded Storyline files.

This comprehensive approach ensures an engaging and informative learning experience tailored to the needs of palliative nursing professionals.


Articulate Rise 360

Interactivity: Level 2

Type of training: Finance Training

Convergence is the global network for blended finance, dedicated to increasing private investment in emerging markets and developing economies.

We developed content for an international audience, leveraging Rise with Level 2 activity. This comprehensive course combines a series of animated and subject matter videos, embedded Storyline interactive modules, and engaging infographics.

Our goal was to create an immersive and informative learning experience that resonates with a diverse global audience.

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